Kay Hayen: Python 3.11 and Nuitka Progress :

Kay Hayen: Python 3.11 and Nuitka Progress
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In my all in with Nuitka post and my first post Python 3.11 and Nuitka´__, I promised to give you more updates on Python 3.11 and in general. So this is where 3.11 is at, and the TLDR is, experimental support is coming with Nuitka 1.5 release.

What is now

Currently Nuitka 1.4 contains already some preparations for 3.11 support, but also from the feedback I had read, on how Nuitka has lost its performance lead over the releases, a huge amount of catching up on the quality and depth of integration, was put onto the plate, and so that became a large part of the 1.4 focus.

These preparations mostly addressed frames, unified separate code generation for them, and since with 3.11 generators frames were far too buggy, this had to be continued, and interestingly many frame issues were solved by some great unification right after 1.4 release for 1.5 develop.

And from here, most frame issues got debugged and fixed. This is the area where 3.11 had the biggest impact on Nuitka internals.

The 1.5 development release now gives this kind of output.

Nuitka:WARNING: The Python version '3.11' is not officially supported by
Nuitka:WARNING: Nuitka '1.5rc7', but an upcoming release will change that. In
Nuitka:WARNING: the mean time use Python version '3.10' instead or newer
Nuitka:WARNING: Nuitka.

Using develop should be good. But I expect to be better with every pre-release until 1.5 happens. Follow it there if you want.

What you can do?

Not a lot yet, as a mere mortal, what you can and should do is to consider becoming a subscriber of Nuitka commercial, even if you do not need the IP protection features it mostly has. All commonly essential packaging and performance features are entirely free, and I have put incredible amounts of works in this, and I need to now make a living off it.

Working on 3.11 support, just so tings then continue to work, mostly on my own deserves financial support. Once a year, for weeks on end, I am re-implementing features that a much larger collective of developers came up with.

But don’t get me wrong. This may sounds like complaining here. Not at all. I love these things. I hate to be under some kind of time pressure though, but it seems that is coming to an end, so it’s all good now.

What was done?

So the “basic” tests of Nuitka are finally passing. That is by itself a huge step, and the now work on the CPython3.10 test suite, has been started to be executed with Python 3.11, and fixes are applied.

Doing that, still some bigger issues were still found, e.g. uncompiled frames as the parent of compiled frames, when inspected, did not automatically provide a f_back, these now have to created on the fly. This sort of things, which are not commonly observed by code.

Esp. the usual trouble makers, test_generators, test_coroutines, and test_asyncgen (with one test part as an exception) are passing. Honestly these are always the most scary to me. Debugging coroutines using asyncgen is a fairly large chunk of my time spent on Nuitka in recent years.

Compiled frames appear to be not entirely correctly seen for tracebacks and stacks when uncompiled code looks upward, but that seems negligible right now.

Up to test_inspect things appear to be working fine, and there is some kind of TODO list now, that I maintain on the roadmap document. I add TODOs there, e.g. because I had to disable attribute optimization with Python3.11 so that is going to harm performance and should be revisited before claiming full support.

As for inspect module, there will be more functions that need monkey patching, esp. related to frames, e.g. getframeinfo has no tolerance for the lack of bytecode in compiled function and their frames.

The Process

This was largely explained in my previous post. I will just put where we are now and skip completed steps and avoid repeating it too much.

The current phase is to run the CPython 3.10 test suite compiled with 3.11 and compare its results to running with plain 3.11, and expect it to be the same. It is normal for CPython 3.10 tests to fail with 3.11, and this does several things.

Test failures of 3.11 with 3.10 code actually give new test coverage. It has happened in previous new Python releases, that only then it became apparent that there were slight incompatibilities in exceptions, etc.

Also now a test may passes where it should not, i.e. 3.11 changed behavior and now Nuitka still follows 3.10 behavior. So maybe a new check is done or something like that, and Nuitka needs a version guarded change that also makes it behave the same with 3.11 version. But of course, when using 3.10 it has to retain the older behavior still.

The other thing, is when Python 3.11 passes, but Nuitka is not. Typically then Nuitka has some sort of change missing to the internal codes, often only a changed error message, exception type, etc. but sometimes this can be also a bigger thing.

During this phase it is hard to know where we stand. I do not really want to do repeated analysis. So e.g. when the exception for using a non-context manager in a with statement fails, I am not really interested to see how many other tests are failing because of that or other things. I am going to fix that first and only then I will look what the next failure is.

Since I will get to fix all the things, anyway, I tend to address most of the issues I find immediately and delay further executing of the test suite. Only when I understand the issue clearly enough and see that it will take a lot of time for a corner case, then I will add fixing it to the roadmap.

This I am doing e.g. with the single test part failure in test_asyncgen, because I suspect, that some change in 3.11 has happened, or that I will revisit the topic in the 3.11 test suite, which often has more dedicated tests to highlight changes. The one not good with Nuitka right now does not look important, nor easy to analyze.

In the next phase, the 3.11 test suite is used in the same way. Then we will get to support new features, new behaviors, newly allowed things, and achieve super compatibility with 3.11 as we always do for every CPython release. All the while doing this, the CPython3.10 test suite will be executed with 3.11 by my internal CI, immediately reporting when things change for the worse.

This phase has not even started however. But probably results of it will be in 1.6 I would assume now.

Intermediate Results

Once the Python 3.11 more or less well passed the 3.10 test suite without big issues, experimental support for it will be proclaimed and 1.5 shall be released. The warning from above will be given, but the error that 1.4 gave you will cease, and come back for 3.12 probably.


Very hard to predict. It feels close now. Supporting existing Nuitka is also a side tracking thing, that makes it unclear how much time I will have for it.

And the worst things with debugging is that I just never know how much time it will be. I have spent almost a day staring at debugging traces for the coroutine code, before these worked finally. And during that time it didn’t feel like progressing at all.

I think, look back at Python changes since 2.6, which was the first thing Nuitka supported, and still does btw, 3.5 and coroutines, 3.6 and asyncgen, and then 3.10 and match statements, the 3.11 release will probably have been the hardest.

Benefits for older Python too

I mentioned stuff before, that I will not repeat only new stuff. So the frame changes caused me to solve most of the issues by doing cleanups and refactoring that allowed for enhancements present in 1.4 and coming to 1.5 some more, covering generators as well.

Most likely, attribute lookups will gain the same JIT approach the Python 3.11 allows for now, and maybe that will be possible to backport to old Python as well. Not sure yet. For now, they are actually worse than with 3.10, while CPython made them faster. Not quite good for benchmarking at this time.

Expected results

I need to repeat this. People tend to expect that gains from Nuitka and enhancements of CPython stack up. The truth of the matter is, no they do not. CPython is now applying some tricks that Nuitka already did, some a decade ago. Not using its bytecode will then become less of a benefit, but that’s OK, this is not what Nuitka is about.

We need to get somewhere else entirely anyway, in terms of speed up. I will be talking about PGO and C types a lot in the coming year, that is at least the hope. The boost of 1.4 will only be the start. Once 3.11 support is sorted out, int will be getting dedicated code too, that’s where things will become interesting.

Final Words

Look ma, I posted about something that is not complete. The temptation to just wait until I finish it was so huge. But I resisted successfully.

February 15, 2023 at 04:59PM
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