Exploring Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Installation, Features, and Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA : Aditya Sharma

Exploring Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Installation, Features, and Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA
by: Aditya Sharma
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Exploring Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Installation, Features, and Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA

In this tutorial, you will learn about Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, a Gradio-based large language model (LLM) application that runs in a browser. This blog post is a comprehensive guide covering the essential aspects of setting up the web user interface (UI), exploring its features, and demonstrating how to fine-tune the Llama model in a parameter-efficient way using Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) directly within the application. As part of our ongoing local LLM series, this tutorial aims to showcase the versatility and power of running and fine-tuning LLMs on local setups.


This lesson is the last of a 4-part series on Local LLMs:

  1. Harnessing Power at the Edge: An Introduction to Local Large Language Models
  2. Inside Look: Exploring Ollama for On-Device AI
  3. Integrating Local LLM Frameworks: A Deep Dive into LM Studio and AnythingLLM
  4. Exploring Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Installation, Features, and Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA (this tutorial)

To learn about the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI and how to fine-tune the LLaMA model efficiently using LoRA from within the application, just keep reading.


Welcome to the fourth installment of our comprehensive series on local large language models (LLMs). Today’s tutorial focuses on Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, a Gradio-based application designed for LLMs. While this lesson is tailored more for developers, non-developers are also welcome to follow along. This tutorial will be a bit more technical as we delve into advanced features and fine-tuning capabilities.

The Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is an important addition to our series because it not only allows for seamless text generation but also supports fine-tuning, making it a comprehensive tool for leveraging local LLMs.

If you have been following along with our series, you would have covered a wide array of different local LLM frameworks. In our first tutorial, Harnessing Power at the Edge: An Introduction to Local Large Language Models, we provided a foundational overview of local LLMs, discussing various model formats, quantization techniques, and a high-level overview of numerous local LLM frameworks.

From there, we dove deeper into Ollama in our second post, Inside Look: Exploring Ollama for On-Device AI. This tutorial garnered significant organic engagement and was appreciated by the Ollama team for its detailed exploration of Ollama’s installation, model registry, command-line interface (CLI) usage, and integration capabilities.

In our third lesson, Integrating Local LLM Frameworks: A Deep Dive into LM Studio and AnythingLLM, we explored two unique and powerful local LLM offerings: LM Studio and AnythingLLM. These tools stand out for their advanced features (e.g., AI agents, retrieval-augmented generation capabilities, and excellent user experience).

What’s in Store for You?

In this tutorial, we will focus on Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, a unique Gradio-based application designed for text generation tasks. This tool stands out in our local LLM series for its capability to run directly in a browser and its versatility in both text generation and fine-tuning the LLaMA model using LoRA.

Overview of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: We’ll start by explaining what Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is and why it’s an important addition to our local LLM series. We’ll then discuss its capabilities, the types of models it supports, and how it fits into the broader landscape of LLM applications.

Setting Up Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: This section will guide you through the installation process, covering system requirements and step-by-step instructions for setting up the web UI on various platforms. We’ll also discuss the initial configuration and how to get the application running on local machines.

Features of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Here, we’ll delve into the key features of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI (e.g., its user interface, supported models, and unique functionalities). We’ll highlight how these features make it a powerful tool for text generation tasks.

Fine-Tuning Llama Models with LoRA: One of the standout capabilities of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is the ability to fine-tune LLMs using LoRA adapters. We’ll show you how to fine-tune a Llama model on a medical dataset, detailing the steps involved in preparing the dataset, setting up the fine-tuning process, and evaluating the results.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, from installation and features to advanced configurations and fine-tuning capabilities. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to leverage the full potential of this powerful local LLM framework. Whether you’re looking to generate text, fine-tune models, or optimize your AI setup, this tutorial will provide the insights you need to succeed. Let’s dive in and unlock the power of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI together!

Overview of Oobabooga Text Generation WebUI

Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is a Gradio based application that allows users to perform text generation tasks directly in a browser. It supports a variety of models and formats, making it a versatile tool for different text generation needs. One of its standout features is the ability to fine-tune LLMs using LoRA adapters. This functionality makes Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI a comprehensive tool for leveraging local LLMs. Its goal is to become the AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui of text generation.

It simplifies the deployment process and makes it easier to interact with models through a web browser without needing extensive web development skills. Unlike other local LLM frameworks we’ve explored (e.g., Ollama, LM Studio, and AnythingLLM), Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI does not have a standalone web application. Instead, being a Gradio-based application, it can run on your local host or leverage Gradio’s inherent properties to generate a public URL that is accessible for 72 hours. This means you can access and interact with the web UI via a browser, providing flexibility and convenience for various use cases.

The image below showcases the user interface of the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, highlighting the chat interface of this Gradio-based application designed for running large language models (LLMs) in a browser. The screenshot highlights an interaction where a user is asking the model to write a Python script that creates a temporary file, writes a random 16-character password to it, and prints its path. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the elements in the image:

Interface Overview

Tabs at the Top: The interface includes several tabs (e.g., Chat, Default, Notebook, Parameters, Model, Training, and Session). The Chat tab is currently active, indicating that this section is for conversational interactions with the model.

User Interaction

User Input: At the top of the chat, the user has provided an input:

Write a Python script that creates a temporary file, writes a random 16-character password to this file, and then prints its path. Make your reply short as I need it to fit into a screenshot.

Model Response

Initial Response: The model provides a Python script to fulfill the request:

import os
import random

# create a temporary file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
    # write a random 16-character password to the file
    password = ''.join(random.choice('23456789abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz') for _ in range(16))

    # print the path of the temporary file

The script generates a temporary file and writes a random 16-character password to it. However, the user points out that the tempfile module is not imported.

User Correction: The user responds:

You forgot to import tempfile.

Model Correction: The model acknowledges the oversight and provides a corrected version:

import os
import random
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

# create a temporary file
with NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
    # write a random 16-character password to the file
    password = ''.join(random.choice('23456789abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz') for _ in range(16))

    # print the path of the temporary file

Action Buttons

Buttons at the Bottom: The interface includes several action buttons:

  • Stop: To stop the current operation.
  • Impersonate: Likely to simulate another user’s input or action.
  • Regenerate: To generate a new response based on the same input.
  • Remove last: To remove the last interaction or response.

This interaction exemplifies how the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI facilitates a conversational interface for generating and correcting code snippets interactively. The model is capable of understanding user feedback and making necessary adjustments to its responses, demonstrating an iterative process of refining code through user and model collaboration.

Why Is Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI Important in Our Local LLM Series?

The primary reason we chose to cover Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI in our Local LLM series is its distinctiveness compared to other local LLM frameworks we’ve explored in previous lessons. It stands out in the broader Local LLM ecosystem, offering a superior developer experience, especially for those with intermediate knowledge of LLMs and the ongoing research in this field. Here’s why Oobabooga is a crucial addition to our series:

Developer-Centric Experience: Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is tailored for developers who have a good grasp of LLM concepts and seek a more advanced tool for their projects. Unlike user-friendly applications (e.g., ChatGPT) or relatively technical ones (e.g., LM Studio), Oobabooga provides a sophisticated environment that necessitates a deeper understanding of LLMs.

Support for Multiple Model Backends: One of Oobabooga’s standout features is its support for multiple model backends. While frameworks like LM Studio and Ollama primarily support specific formats like GGUF (handled via Llama.cpp), Oobabooga goes beyond by supporting a variety of backends (e.g., Transformers, ExLlama v2, AutoGPTQ, AutoAWQ, and GPTQ-for-Llama). This versatility significantly broadens the range of models you can work with, making it a powerful tool for diverse AI applications.

Training and Fine-Tuning Capabilities: Oobabooga excels in its ability to train new LoRA adapters with custom data. Users can load and unload LoRA adapters on the fly, facilitating seamless text generation tasks. In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to train a LoRA adapter for a Llama model on medical data. This will involve instruction fine-tuning using the Alpaca chat template, showcasing the ease and efficiency of the process. The ability to integrate and utilize fine-tuned models for specific domains is a game-changer for personalized AI applications.

Comprehensive Operating System Support: Like other local LLM frameworks, Oobabooga supports major operating systems, including macOS (with MPS for M1, M2, and M3 chips), Linux (CPU and NVIDIA), and Windows (CPU and NVIDIA). This cross-platform compatibility ensures that users can leverage the tool regardless of their hardware setup, though there may be some performance differences due to underlying library optimizations.

Gradio-Based Web Application: Unlike many local LLM frameworks that lack a web interface, Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI leverages Gradio to provide a browser-based application. This means it can run on your local host or use Gradio’s inherent properties to generate a public URL accessible for 72 hours, making it highly versatile for both local and remote access.

In conclusion, Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI offers a unique set of features and capabilities that set it apart in the local LLM landscape. Its advanced developer-centric tools, multi-backend support, and seamless fine-tuning options make it an invaluable addition to our series. In the following sections, let’s delve deeper into this powerful tool and explore its full potential.

Setting Up Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI

In this section, we will look at the system requirements, including the minimum hardware and operating system configurations needed to set up Oobabooga. We will also guide you through the installation process using the provided one-click shell scripts.

Additionally, we have recorded a screen capture of the installation process on a NVIDIA A100 GPU machine, which will be shown to help you better understand the setup. So, let’s go through this section together.

System Requirements

Before installing the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

Operating Systems

Linux, Windows, macOS, WSL


  • GPU: NVIDIA, AMD, Apple Metal (M1, M2, and M3 chips), or CPU-only
  • Memory: Minimum 8GB RAM (16GB recommended)
  • Storage: At least 10GB of free disk space


  • Python: Version 3.11
  • Conda: Miniconda or Anaconda for managing dependencies

Installation Steps

Follow these steps to install the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI:

Automatic Installation

Clone or download the repository:

git clone https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui
cd text-generation-webui

Run the installation script:

  • Linux: start_linux.sh
  • Windows: start_windows.bat
  • macOS: start_macos.sh
  • WSL: start_wsl.bat
source start_linux.sh

Select your GPU vendor when prompted.

Access the web UI:

  • Once the installation completes, navigate to http://localhost:7860/?__theme=dark
  • Public Access: To access the application on a public URL, add the --share flag while running the start_linux.sh script. This will generate a public link that you can use to access the application remotely.

Restarting the web UI: To restart in the future, run the start_linux.sh script again.

Manual Installation

For those who prefer manual installation, here are the general steps:

  • Install Miniconda or Anaconda.
  • Create and activate a Conda environment.
  • Install PyTorch based on your system configuration:
    • If you have a Linux-based system with an NVIDIA GPU, install PyTorch with the appropriate CUDA version.
    • If you have a Linux-based system with no GPU, install the CPU-only version of PyTorch.
    • Ensure the PyTorch version matches the CUDA version compatible with your NVIDIA driver.
    • For macOS with MPS (Apple M-series GPU), install the appropriate PyTorch version.
  • Clone the repository and install the web UI:
    • Clone the repository.
    • Navigate to the repository directory.
    • Install the required packages from requirements.txt.
    • Start the server manually and access the web UI.

Note: For more detailed instructions, refer to the Oobabooga repository’s README.md.

Docker-Based Installation

Oobabooga Text Generator Web UI also supports Docker-based installation. Although we won’t cover it in detail here, it’s worth mentioning that Docker installation is available for various configurations:

  • Intel GPU
  • CPU only

Installation is managed using Docker Compose, providing a robust and isolated environment for running the web UI.

Watch the Magic: Oobabooga Installation and Setup Walkthrough

In this section, you will see a quick walkthrough of how to install the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI using the provided automatic installation shell script. This video, which is a screen capture, guides you through the entire installation process on a Linux machine with NVIDIA A100 GPU.

Key Points to Note

NVIDIA Driver and CUDA Compatibility:

  • The video demonstrates the installation on an NVIDIA A100 GPU with the NVIDIA driver version 520. When running nvidia-smi, it shows the driver version, which is not compatible with CUDA 12.1 (the default in the script).
  • Due to this incompatibility, the installation is performed using CUDA 11.8, which is supported by the NVIDIA driver version 520.

Installation Steps:

  • The script begins by asking a few setup questions:
    • Whether you have an NVIDIA GPU, or if you are installing on an Intel or Mac Metal GPU.
    • Which CUDA version to use (11.8 or 12.1).
    • The type of GPU (RTX/GTX series or older Kepler GPUs).
  • For this setup, NVIDIA is selected, CUDA 11.8 is chosen, and the appropriate GPU type is specified.

Automatic Setup:

  • After providing the necessary inputs, the script takes over and completes the installation automatically. No further user intervention is required.

Final Steps:

  • In the last 15 seconds of the video, you can see the Gradio application up and running on port 7860, which is the default port for Gradio applications hosted on localhost.

Enjoy the video, and we hope you find this walkthrough helpful!

Features of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI

In this section, we will explore the key features of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, delving into its user interface, supported models and formats, and various functionalities that make it a robust tool for text generation tasks. We’ll provide an overview of the user interface, examining different tabs and their purposes. Additionally, we’ll highlight the range of model loader frameworks it supports and discuss some of the unique tools and functionalities it offers.

User Interface Overview

Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI boasts a well-organized and user-friendly interface designed to enable smooth interactions with the models. The interface comprises several key tabs, which we will explore in detail. We’ve already taken a brief look at the chat interface in the overview section, and now we’ll delve into the rest.

Default Tab

The Default tab in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI serves as a powerful workspace for generating and refining text, distinct from the Chat tab. While the Chat tab is optimized for interactive, conversational exchanges with the model, the Default tab is geared more toward structured text generation tasks, allowing for more control and customization in the output.

It offers an Input field on the left where you can enter prompts and an Output field on the right that displays the generated text. The interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and utilize its features effectively.

Key Features of the Default Tab

Input Field: This is where users can type or paste their prompts. The Input field supports markdown, allowing for more structured and formatted text inputs.

Output Field: The generated text appears here. The Output field can display text in Raw, Markdown, or HTML formats, providing flexibility in how the content is viewed and utilized.

Action Buttons: Below the Input and Output fields, there are several action buttons:

  • Generate: Initiates the text generation process based on the input prompt.
  • Stop: Halts the generation process if needed.
  • Continue: Allows the generation process to proceed further, extending the current output.
  • Count tokens: Provides a token count for the input prompt, which is useful for understanding the complexity and length of the input.

Prompt Dropdown: Users can select different types of prompts from a dropdown menu to tailor the output according to their needs. One of the predefined prompt types is the “alpaca with input” prompt type, which can be used to fine-tune the generated text for specific use cases or formats.

The Default tab is a versatile tool for generating text, offering a streamlined interface that caters to both basic and advanced users. Whether you’re crafting detailed articles, conducting research, or engaging in dynamic conversations with the model, this tab provides a robust environment for your text generation needs. It allows for greater flexibility and customization compared to the Chat tab, making it ideal for more specific and complex text generation tasks.

Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is a comprehensive section that allows users to fine-tune and control the behavior of the model during text generation. This tab is essential for users who want to customize the output to meet specific requirements and optimize the model’s performance.

The Parameters tab is divided into several sub-tabs, each focusing on different aspects of the model’s functionality. The primary sub-tabs include Generation, Character, Instruction template, Chat history, and Upload character.

Generation Sub-Tab

The Generation sub-tab is where users can adjust the various parameters that influence the text generation process. Here are some of the key parameters available:

  • max_new_tokens: Sets the maximum number of new tokens to generate in the output. This controls the length of the generated text.
  • temperature: Adjusts the randomness of the model’s predictions. Higher values (e.g., 1.0) produce more random outputs, while lower values (e.g., 0.2) produce more deterministic outputs.
  • top_p: Controls nucleus sampling, a technique that selects tokens from the top p probability mass. Setting it to 0.9 means the model will consider only the top 90% probable tokens for generation.
  • top_k: Limits the number of highest probability tokens considered for generation. For example, setting it to 20 means only the top 20 tokens are considered at each step.
  • repetition_penalty: Applies a penalty to repeated sequences of tokens, encouraging the model to generate more diverse text.
  • guidance_scale: Used for CFG (Classifier-Free Guidance), which helps in guiding the text generation process.
  • num_beams: Sets the number of beams for beam search, a method for exploring multiple potential outputs and selecting the best one.
  • length_penalty: Adjusts the penalty for the length of the generated sequence. Higher values favor shorter sequences, while lower values allow longer sequences.

Additionally, users can turn on or off various options, such as:

  • do_sample: Turns on or off sampling of tokens.
  • truncate: Limits the prompt length by removing tokens from the beginning if it exceeds the specified length.
  • early_stopping: Stops the generation once the model has determined a likely end of the sequence.
  • Skip special tokens: Instructs the model to skip special tokens in the output.
  • Activate text streaming: Allows the output to be streamed as it is generated, providing real-time feedback.

The Generation sub-tab offers an extensive range of parameters, giving users precise control over the text generation process. This level of customization is particularly useful for developers and advanced users who need to tailor the model’s output to specific use cases.

The Parameters tab is a powerful tool in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, providing users with the flexibility to optimize and refine the text generation process to suit their needs.

Training Tab

The Training tab in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is a critical feature that allows users to fine-tune models, specifically using the LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) method. This tab provides various parameters and options for setting up and controlling the training process. Here’s a detailed overview of the Training Tab and its functionalities:

Overview of Training Tab

The Training tab is divided into several sections, each focusing on different aspects of the training process. This structured layout ensures that users can easily navigate and configure the settings required for effective model fine-tuning.

  • Copy parameters from: Allows users to copy parameters from an existing setup to streamline the training configuration process.
  • Name: Users can specify the name of the new LoRA file. If the name is the same as an existing file, checking the “Override Existing Files” option will replace the old file.

Target Modules

  • LoRA Rank: Also called the dimension count. Higher values mean a larger file and more content control, while smaller values mean a smaller file and less control.
  • LoRA Alpha: Scaling factor of the LoRA. A good standard value is twice the rank.
  • Batch Size: The global batch size determines gradient accumulation, affecting the quality of training.
  • Micro Batch Size: Per-device batch size. Increasing this value will use more VRAM.
  • Cutoff Length: Sets the cutoff length for input text, ensuring it doesn’t exceed a certain limit.
  • Save every n steps: Allows setting checkpoints to save the progress of every specified number of steps.
  • Epochs: Number of times every entry in the dataset should be fed into training.
  • Learning Rate: Defines the rate at which the model learns. A good starting point is 3e-4 (0.0003).
  • LR Scheduler: Defines how the learning rate changes over time. Options include constant, linear, cosine, etc.

Dataset Configuration

  • Formatted Dataset: Specifies the format of the dataset used for training.
  • Raw text file: Provides the option to use raw text files for training.
  • Dataset: Specifies the dataset file to use for training.
  • Evaluation Dataset: An optional dataset used to evaluate the model after training.
  • Evaluate every n steps: Tests the model for every specified number of steps using the evaluation dataset.

Training Control

  • Start LoRA Training: Initiates the training process with the configured parameters.
  • Interrupt: Stops the training process if needed.

The Training tab offers extensive customization options, allowing users to fine-tune their models according to specific requirements. This level of control is particularly beneficial for developers and advanced users aiming to optimize their models for particular tasks or datasets.

By utilizing the parameters and settings available in the Training tab, users can achieve efficient and effective model fine-tuning, enhancing the overall performance and applicability of their LLMs.

Session Tab

The Session tab in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI provides users with extensive control over the application’s extensions and command-line flags. This tab is essential for customizing the Web UI’s behavior and adding new functionalities through extensions. Here, you can restart the UI with new settings.

Here are the main features of the Session tab:

Available Extensions

The left panel lists all available extensions that can be enabled to enhance the Web UI’s capabilities. Some extensions may require additional Python dependencies, which can be installed using the provided command (pip install -r extensions/extension_name/requirements.txt).

Examples of available extensions include:

  • character_bias
  • coqui_tts
  • google_translate
  • multimodal
  • openai
  • send_pictures
  • whisper_stt
  • And many more.

Boolean Command-Line Flags

The middle panel allows users to toggle various command-line flags that modify the Web UI’s behavior. These flags include:

  • api: Enables API access.
  • auto_launch: Automatically launches the Web UI upon startup.
  • chat_buttons: Adds chat-specific buttons to the interface.
  • deepspeed: Enables DeepSpeed optimization.
  • force_safetensors: Forces the use of SafeTensors format.
  • multi_user: Supports multiple users.
  • nowebui: Disables the Web UI.
  • public_api: Makes the API publicly accessible.
  • share: Generates a shareable Gradio public link for the session.
  • verbose: Enables verbose logging for debugging purposes.

Extension Management: The right panel allows users to install or update extensions by entering the GitHub URL of the desired extension. This feature provides flexibility to add new functionalities as needed.

Apply Flags/Extensions and Restart: After selecting the desired extensions and flags, users can apply the changes and restart the Web UI to activate the new settings. This ensures that any modifications take effect immediately.

Save UI Defaults to settings.yaml: Users can save the current configuration as defaults in the settings.yaml file. This is useful for maintaining a consistent setup across different sessions.

Toggle: The toggle button allows users to switch between different sets of extensions and flags easily.

The Session tab in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is a powerful tool for users looking to customize their text generation environment. By leveraging the available extensions and command-line flags, users can tailor the Web UI to meet their specific needs, whether for development, research, or production purposes.

Detailed Overview of the Model Tab in Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI

The Model tab in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI is essential for managing and fine-tuning pre-trained models. This section explains how to load models, apply LoRAs, and download new models, providing comprehensive configuration options tailored to various model formats and quantization techniques.

Key Features

Downloading Models

  • On the right side of the Model tab, you can input the Hugging Face model path (e.g., facebook/galactica-125m) to download models directly to your system. You can specify branches and download specific files within the model repository.

Loading Models

  • After downloading, models appear in the dropdown menu on the left. You can select a model and load it by clicking the “Load” button.
  • The “Autoload the model” checkbox automatically loads the selected model without the need to click “Load” manually.
  • Options are available to Unload, Reload, and Save settings for the current model, providing flexibility in managing model states.

Configuration Options

  • Depending on the selected model loader, various configuration options are provided. These include CPU memory allocation, 4-bit loading parameters, and other loading options.
  • As shown in the image, when the model loader is set to “Transformers,” you can configure options such as compute data type (compute_dtype), quantization type (quant_type), alpha value (alpha_value), rope frequency base (rope_freq_base), and more.
  • Changing the model loader to alternatives like llama.cpp, AutoGPTQ, or AutoAWQ will result in different configuration options, which will be discussed in the following “Expanded Model Loader” section.

Expanded Model Loader

The model loader selection impacts the available configuration options, as different loaders are tailored for various model formats and quantization techniques. Here’s an in-depth look at each model loader option:

Please note that the configurations provided are detailed and highly specific. While we have yet to experiment with all these settings personally, this overview should give you an insight into the extensive capabilities of the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI. This platform includes a wide range of parameters to optimize model performance and accuracy. We recommend further exploration of these configurations online or focusing on a particular model loader like llama.cpp to fully understand its various settings and their interactions.


Purpose: General loader for transformer-based models, typically in full precision (16-bit or 32-bit). Often used for models like those in Hugging Face repositories.


  • gpu-memory: Sets GPU memory limit for CPU offloading.
  • cpu-memory: Sets CPU memory limit, with overflow going to disk.
  • compute_dtype, quant_type: Set when using 4-bit loading.
  • alpha_value, rope_freq_base, compress_pos_emb: Various settings for extending context length and optimizing embeddings.
  • Additional Options: Includes settings for 8-bit loading, bf16 precision, auto device allocation, disk offloading, and more.
  • Example: Vicuna-7B-v1.5.


Purpose: Specifically for models in GGUF format.


  • n-gpu-layers: Number of layers to allocate to the GPU.
  • n_ctx: Context length of the model, with higher values requiring more VRAM.
  • tensor_split: Memory allocation per GPU in multi-GPU setups.
  • Additional Options: Includes batch size, number of threads, tensor core support, streaming LLM, and CPU-only mode.
  • Example: Llama-2-7b-Chat-GGUF.


Purpose: Similar to the llama.cpp but integrates with transformers’ samplers and tokenizers.

Configuration: Nearly identical to llama.cpp with additional support for transformers’ tokenizer. Includes an option (logits_all) for perplexity evaluation.

ExLlamav2_HF and ExLlamav2

Purpose: For models quantized using ExLlama v2, optimizing for efficient inference on limited hardware.


  • gpu-split: Memory allocation per GPU in multi-GPU setups.
  • max_seq_len: Maximum sequence length for pre-allocated cache.
  • cfg-cache, no_flash_attn, cache_8bit, cache_4bit: Various settings for cache configuration and disabling flash attention.
  • Example: Llama2-70B-exl2.

AutoGPTQ and GPTQ-for-LLama

Purpose: Loaders for models quantized using General Purpose Quantization (GPTQ).


  • wbits, groupsize, triton: Parameters for setting model precision and group size.
  • no_inject_fused_attention, no_inject_fused_mlp, no_use_cuda_fp16, desc_act: Various performance and compatibility settings.
  • Example: Llama-2-13B-chat-GPTQ.


Purpose: For models quantized using AWQ technique.

Configuration: Similar to AutoGPTQ but tailored for AWQ optimization.

Example: Phind-CodeLlama-34B-v2-AWQ.

Other Loaders

QuIP and HQQ: Specialized loaders for specific model formats and quantization techniques optimized for certain tasks and hardware setups.

Summary of the Expanded Model Loader

The Model tab in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI offers a comprehensive interface for downloading, configuring, and optimizing pre-trained models. It supports various model formats and quantization techniques, ensuring efficient management and utilization of models for diverse tasks. This flexibility makes it invaluable for both research and production environments.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI documentation.

Instruction Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA on A100 GPU Using Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI Interface

To understand how to perform instruction fine-tuning with the Llama Model using the LoRA Adapter and the Alpaca’s Chat Template on a Medical Dataset, please refer to the tutorial video at the top of this blog post. In this video, we cover the entire process, including:

  • An overview of LoRA-based fine-tuning.
  • How to prepare the Medical Data Ground Truth, including the conversion and preparation of input-output data in the Alpaca Chat Template format for the Llama Model.
  • Feeding the prepared data along with the pre-trained Llama Model into the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI to fine-tune the model on the Medical Dataset.
  • An evaluation where we chat with the pre-trained Llama Model and compare its responses to those of the LoRA fine-tuned adapter.

To watch the full process in detail, please view the tutorial video included in this blog post. This video will provide you with step-by-step instructions and insights into fine-tuning the Llama model effectively.

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Summary: Key Takeaways from the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI Tutorial

As we wrap up this tutorial, let’s revisit the primary objectives.

Getting Started with Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI

This section provided a detailed overview of the installation process for the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, covering system requirements and offering step-by-step guides for automatic, manual, and Docker-based installations. We also explored the importance of Oobabooga in the context of our local LLM series, highlighting its role in enhancing text generation capabilities.

Features of Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI

We delved into the various features of the Oobabooga interface, showcasing its robust capabilities and user-friendly design.

User Interface Overview

This subsection provided an in-depth look at the Oobabooga user interface, breaking down the functionalities of each tab. The Default tab’s simplicity, the Parameter tab’s customization options, the Generation sub-tab’s flexibility, the Training tab’s comprehensive settings, and the Session tab’s management capabilities were all highlighted to illustrate the robustness of the UI.

Detailed Overview of the Model Tab in Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI

We explored the key features of the Model tab, including the expanded model loader and its summary features. This section emphasized the ease with which users can load and manage different models, enhancing the overall user experience.

Fine-Tuning Aspect

While our blog post does not cover the instruction fine-tuning of the Llama model with LoRA in the Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI, our video covers this topic extensively. We highly recommend checking out the video, where we also demonstrate how to load a pre-trained Llama model in GGUF format and other quantized model formats like AWQ or GPTQ for chat.

This comprehensive guide not only improves productivity but also showcases Oobabooga’s versatility as a powerful tool for text generation. By leveraging its robust features and intuitive interface, users are well-equipped to harness the full potential of local LLM frameworks for advanced AI applications.

Citation Information

Sharma, A. “Exploring Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Installation, Features, and Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA,” PyImageSearch, P. Chugh, A. R. Gosthipaty, S. Huot, K. Kidriavsteva, and R. Raha, eds., 2024, https://pyimg.co/qtg28

  author = {Aditya Sharma},
  title = {Exploring Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Installation, Features, and Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA},
  booktitle = {PyImageSearch},
  editor = {Puneet Chugh and Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Susan Huot and Kseniia Kidriavsteva and Ritwik Raha},
  year = {2024},
  url = {https://pyimg.co/qtg28},

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July 01, 2024 at 06:30PM
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