Python News: What's New From July 2023
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It’s always a good month to be a Pythonista, but July 2023 really drove this point home! The release of a new Python 3.12 beta version and Cython 3.0 moved the language forward, and more change is on the way with the steering council’s announcement that a no-GIL CPython is in the works.
Development in the Python world is a collective effort, with big contributions coming not from only the core developers but also everyday programmers. Sharing ideas is key to innovation, and the Python Steering Foundation (PSF) is offering grants for virtual events where that kind of collaboration can happen.
With Python’s commitment to open-source development and community involvement, it’s no surprise that the PSF is a founding member of the new Open Policy Alliance (OPA).
Don’t have a swimming pool nearby? No worries—you’re about to dive headfirst into Python’s July news!
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Final Python 3.12 Beta Version Released
If you’ve been following the development of Python 3.12, then you already know that it brings a lot of exciting capabilities to the table. These include better error messages, more intuitive f-strings, support for the Linux perf
profiler, and more. You can check out all the developments in the changelog.
The stable release of Python 3.12 isn’t due out until October, but you can go ahead and start experimenting with the final beta version, Python 3.12.0b4, now. Installing a pre-release version and reporting issues to the Python bug tracker is a great way to contribute to Python. The more people who use the new version in its beta form, the more opportunities there are to find problems before the stable version’s release.
As the release announcement explains, this beta version has all the intended features, but changes and bug fixes may still occur as needed.
Cython 3.0 Out Now
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August 07, 2023 at 07:30PM
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