Introduction to Gemini Pro Vision : Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Ritwik Raha

Introduction to Gemini Pro Vision
by: Aritra Roy Gosthipaty and Ritwik Raha
blow post content copied from  PyImageSearch
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Table of Contents

Introduction to Gemini Pro Vision

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get started with Gemini Pro Vision.

To learn how to use Gemini Pro Vision for your own use cases, just keep reading.

Introduction to Gemini Pro Vision

In the last few days of 2023, Google came up with the major announcement of the year — Gemini has been released.

For those unaware, Gemini is the most powerful Google Large Language Model (LLM) to date. It also boasts of being multimodal from scratch, which means it began and ended as a model capable of dealing with multiple modalities of data (image, video, sound, etc.).

Gemini Pro is now available in Bard through the MakerSuite UI and their Python Software Development Kit (SDK).

Google AI Studio

Explore the Gemini Pro and Gemini Pro Vision models accessible via the MakerSuite UI within Google AI Studio. This browser-based integrated development environment (IDE) specializes in prototyping with generative models, enabling swift experimentation with diverse prompts. Upon creating content that satisfies you, leverage the Gemini API to export your work into code compatible with your preferred programming language.

Within Google AI Studio, diverse prompt interfaces cater to specific purposes:

  1. Unrestricted Freeform Prompts: Encouraging open-ended content generation and response creation using both text and image data.
  2. Structured Prompts: Guiding model output by offering a set of example requests and responses, ideal for exerting precise control over output structures.
  3. Chat Prompts: Crafting conversational experiences by facilitating multiple input and response turns to generate output.

Creating a Prompt Using Google AI Studio

Let us first view the two images we will be uploading to the Studio. They are two adjacent panels from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller.

We can name our prompt and provide a description of it. This is for our reference only and won’t be seen by the Model.

Next, we provide a prompt (this is optional but highly recommended) where we specify what we want the model to do for us.

Since our primary objective is to understand the content of the images, we specify our prompt to be:

Describe these two images in detail, explain what is happening also mention the book and the author

With that done, we can set the temperature to our liking and add any stop sequence. We can also experiment with the safety settings and advanced settings to increase the model’s performance.

We can see the model has finished running, and the output is shown below:

 The first image is a panel from the comic book Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, written by Frank Miller and illustrated by Klaus Janson. The panel shows Batman, standing on a rooftop, looking down at the city. The second image is also from the same comic book, and shows Batman fighting with a group of criminals.

In the first image, Batman is wearing his iconic black and gray costume, and is standing on a rooftop, looking down at the city. The city is dark and gloomy, and the only light comes from the streetlights and the moon. Batman is looking down at the city with a determined expression, and it is clear that he is ready to protect the city from any threats.

In the second image, Batman is fighting with a group of criminals. The criminals are armed with guns, but Batman is able to defeat them using his martial arts skills and his gadgets. Batman is shown to be a skilled fighter, and he is able to defeat the criminals without taking any damage.

The initial information is accurate. It has correctly identified the book and the author as well as the illustrator. But the remainder of the information is pure hallucination where the model goes off describing generic scenes from the Batman lore.

Gemini Pro Vision API

This section demonstrates how to use the Python SDK for the Gemini API, which provides access to Google’s Gemini LLMs. The following is the actual specification of the Gemini Pro Vision model, as mentioned in the documentation.

Gemini Pro Vision Model last updated December 2023
Model code models/gemini-pro-vision
Model capabilities
  • Input: text and images
  • Output: text
  • Can take multimodal inputs, text and image.
  • Can handle zero, one, and few-shot tasks.
Supported generation methods generateContent
Input token limit 12288
Output token limit 4096
Model safety Automatically applied safety settings which are adjustable by developers. See the safety settings topic for details.
Rate limit 60 requests per minute
!pip install -q -U google-generativeai

Line 1: Installs the google-generativeai library, which provides functionalities to interact with Google’s generative AI models.

import pathlib
import textwrap

import google.generativeai as genai

from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import Markdown

import PIL.Image
import urllib.request 
from PIL import Image

Lines 3-13: Import various modules necessary for handling images, displaying outputs in Colab, and managing API keys securely. pathlib and textwrap are for file and text manipulation, google.generativeai (aliased as genai) is the main module for AI functionalities, and PIL.Image and urllib.request are for handling and downloading images.

# Used to securely store your API key
from google.colab import userdata

# Or use `os.getenv('GOOGLE_API_KEY')` to fetch an environment variable.


Lines 16-19: Set up secure storage for the API key with userdata.get from Google Colab, which is a secure way to store and retrieve user-specific data like API keys.

for m in genai.list_models():
    if "generateContent" in m.supported_generation_methods:

Lines 23-25: The script lists and prints the names of available models in the google-generativeai library that support content generation. This step helps in understanding what models are available for use. We can see from the output below that gemini-pro and gemini-pro-vision are available for use.

# Opening the image for Image Understanding
image ='comic.png')

Lines 28-32: Download an image from a specified URL and open it using the PIL (Python Imaging Library). The image is then displayed in the Colab notebook.

model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-pro-vision")
def to_markdown(text):
    text = text.replace("•", "  *")
    return Markdown(textwrap.indent(text, "> ", predicate=lambda _: True))
response = model.generate_content(image)

Line 34: Initializes a generative model named “gemini-pro-vision” from the google-generativeai library, presumably for image understanding and content generation.

Lines 35-37: Define a helper function to_markdown to format the generated text as Markdown, enhancing the readability of the output in Colab.

Lines 38 and 39: Generate content based on the previously loaded image. The response is converted to Markdown format for display.

"Just a movie. That's all it is. No harm in watching a movie."
response = model.generate_content(
    ["Write an explanation based on the image, give the name of the author and the book that it is from", image],


Lines 41-47: Generate content with a specific prompt (“Write an explanation based on the image, give the name of the author and the book that it is from”) and the image. The stream=True parameter indicates that the response is streamed, and response.resolve() waits for the completion of this streaming response. The result is again formatted as Markdown.

The image is from the comic book "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller. It shows Batman confronting a young man who has been terrorizing the city. Batman tells the young man that he is not a hero, but a criminal. The young man tries to justify his actions by saying that he is only doing what Batman does, but Batman tells him that he is not the same as him. Batman says that he has a code, and that he only hurts criminals. The young man asks Batman why he doesn't kill him, and Batman tells him that it is because he does not want to become like the criminals he fights.

Again, we see that it produces specific information correctly (e.g., the name of the author and the name of the book) but hallucinates and references a different panel from the same book.

  • Is this because it fetches the name of the book first and then tries to fetch the most relevant or accessible information it has compressed about the book?
  • Is the model actually able to understand how the objects in the image are related?
  • Is it able to identify that multiple objects (characters) are the same entities drawn from different angles?

These are questions that need the underlying layers’ latent embeddings to be answered. Unfortunately, these models are no longer open sourced and probably will never be.

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Gemini Pro Vision has been marketed as an all-purpose Vision model that can solve any and every range of tasks presented to it.

Multimodal Use Cases: Compared to text-only LLMs, the Gemini Pro Vision’s multimodality can be used for many new use cases.

Example use cases with text and image(s) as input include the following:

  • Detecting objects in photos
  • Understanding screens and interfaces
  • Understanding of drawing and abstraction
  • Understanding charts and diagrams
  • Recommendation of images based on user preferences
  • Comparing images for similarities, anomalies, or differences
  • Example use cases with text and video as input:
    • Generating a video description
    • Extracting tags of objects throughout a video
    • Extracting highlights/messaging of a video

At the moment, however, the Gemini Pro Vision does not excel in some of the above tasks. For example, in this tutorial, we saw how to install the google-generativeai library and then use it for image-understanding tasks. The image was complex and not straightforward, which allowed us to really test the model.

What unique use cases can you come up with? Let us know @pyimagesearch on social media channels.

Citation Information

A. R. Gosthipaty and R. Raha. “Introduction to Gemini Pro Vision,” PyImageSearch, P. Chugh, S. Huot, and K. Kidriavsteva, eds., 2024,

  author = {A. R. Gosthipaty and R. Raha},
  title = {Introduction to Gemini Pro Vision},
  booktitle = {PyImageSearch},
  editor = {Puneet Chugh and Susan Huot and Kseniia Kidriavsteva},
  year = {2024},
  url = {},

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