Python News: What's New From October 2023

Python News: What's New From October 2023
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October 2023 saw the release of the new Python 3.12. At the same time, focus has shifted to new developments in the language. The acceptance of the long-discussed PEP 703 means that developers can ramp up their work on a free-threading version of Python.

The steering council does an important job governing Python and its development. Nominations for the next steering council are now open. Currently, groups are being established that’ll support the steering council by specifically focusing on typing and documentation.

Dive in to learn more about the most important Python news from the last month.

Python 3.12 Released

The latest version of Python, Python 3.12, came out on October 2. You can read more about the release in last month’s newsletter.

If you haven’t tried Python 3.12 for yourself yet, then you should give it a quick spin! Especially if you’re working on a library or an application, it’s good to check that it works on the latest version of Python. You can install several versions of Python on your computer to try them side by side.

The biggest challenge with upgrading a project to a brand-new version of Python is that some of your dependencies may not be ready yet. In general, pure Python libraries should continue to work well, while you may experience issues with extension modules that need to be compiled especially for Python 3.12. However, most of the popular libraries are on the ball and are providing compatible wheels already.

Python Enjoys New Developments

Even though Python 3.12 has just been released, the core developers have been working on Python 3.13 for several months already. You can expect the next version of Python to be released in October 2024.

The first alpha version of Python 3.13 is now available. As it’s still early in development, you won’t find many new features yet.

Instead, the main differences between Python 3.12 and 3.13 so far are deprecations and removals of old functionality. In particular, the dead batteries identified in Python 3.11 have now been removed, and many private functions in Python’s C API have been removed.

There are several places where you can follow the discussions and work that goes into developing and maintaining Python, including GitHub, discussion forums, and PEP documents. Last month, core developers Pablo Galindo Salgado and Łukasz Langa unveiled a new platform for Python news: a podcast named

In the first episode, Pablo and Łukasz discuss some of the features that are in development for Python 3.13. These include an improved editing experience in the REPL and the Faster CPython project’s just-in-time (JIT) compiler prototype.

In the second episode, they cover PEP 703 and the road toward a version of Python without the GIL. The GIL—or global interpreter lock—is a mutex that ensures that only one thread accesses the Python interpreter at a time. A GIL has several advantages in single-threaded programs. However, it also makes parallel processing harder.

If you’re interested in everything that happens under the hood in Python, then you won’t find better guides than Pablo and Łukasz. They’ve both been instrumental in several of the recent new features of the language. Additionally, Pablo was the release manager for Python 3.10 and 3.11, while Łukasz had the same role for Python 3.8 and 3.9.

Steering Council Accepting Nominations

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November 06, 2023 at 07:30PM
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