Python — How Do I Import a Module from the Parent Folder? : Chris

Python — How Do I Import a Module from the Parent Folder?
by: Chris
blow post content copied from  Be on the Right Side of Change
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The sys.path.append("..") command in Python adds the parent directory (represented by "..") to the list of paths that Python checks for modules. After executing this command, you can import any module from the parent directory. The ".." denotes one directory up from the current location, thus referring to the parent directory.

Here’s a minimal example:

import sys

import your_module

Problem Formulation

As a Python developer, you might encounter a situation where you need to import a module from the parent folder. The common folder structure you may find in a Python project looks like this:

|--- folder/

Now, let’s assume you’re working on, and you need to import a function or class from The default import mechanism in Python does not allow direct imports from parent folders, which might result in ModuleNotFoundError or ImportError.

Let’s explore a few reliable methods to solve this problem and import modules from parent folders: 👇

Method 1: sys.path.append()

Method 1 involves using the sys.path method to add the parent directory to the interpreter’s search path. Start by importing the sys module and then appending the parent directory to sys.path using the append() method. You can add a specific path for interpreters to search.

For example, you can use the following code:

import sys
import your_module

Method 2: Declare Parent as Package

Method 2 requires declaring the parent directory as a package by adding the file. After declaring the directory as a package, you can use the relative package approach to import the module.

For instance, you might have the following code:

from .. import your_module

Method 3: Operating System Module and Sys Path

Method 3 uses the os module in combination with sys.path. Instead of using .. to reference the parent directory, this method provides a more explicit approach. First, import both the os and sys modules, then use the following code to append the parent directory to the search path:

import os
import sys
import your_module

Method 4: PathLib Module

Method 4 involves the use of the pathlib module, which is available in Python 3.4 and later versions. Similar to the previous methods, you would need to append the parent directory to the search path, but this time using the pathlib module.

The code for this method looks like:

from pathlib import Path
import sys
import your_module

So far, so good. Let’s get a deeper understanding of how all the package, module, and library stuff really works. In other words, let’s dive into Python Dependency Management 101. 😏

Understanding Python Modules and Packages

In Python, you’ll often work with both modules and packages. A module is a single file with a .py extension, while a package is a folder containing one or more module files, typically with an file.

🔗 Recommended: Python — How to Import Modules From Another Folder?

When working on a large project, you might need to import a module from the parent folder. Understanding module and package organization will help you do this more effectively.

To import a module located in the parent folder, modify the sys.path variable. This variable tells Python where to look for modules and packages. Add the parent folder’s path to sys.path before importing your desired module, as shown below:

import sys
import your_module

This code snippet adds the parent folder to the sys.path, allowing you to import the desired module. Remember to replace your_module with the actual name of the module you want to import.

Another useful import method is from ... import .... For example, if you want to import only a specific function or class from a module, you can use this syntax:

from your_module import your_function_or_class

Keep in mind that using relative imports like from .parent_folder import your_module is typically recommended only within packages, as it can lead to confusion when used in standalone scripts.

Python Directory Structure

When working with Python, understanding the directory structure is essential to managing and importing modules effectively. The directory structure typically involves a series of folders, including the

  • parent directory,
  • current directory, and
  • subdirectories.

The parent directory is the folder containing your current working folder or file. A subdirectory is a folder within the current directory.

To successfully import a module from the parent folder, you need to modify the Python import path. The standard approach to achieve this is by using the sys.path method. Start by importing the sys module, then append the parent directory to sys.path.

For example:

import sys

In the above code, ".." represents the parent directory path. After appending the parent directory to sys.path, you can now import modules from the parent folder as usual:

import module_name

Ensure to choose meaningful identifiers for your directories and modules, and keep the directory path clear and concise. This ensures better organization and readability for yourself and other developers working on the project.

Using sys.path

One efficient method to import a module from a parent folder is by using the sys.path feature. In this brief section, you will learn how to utilize this approach using sys.path to import modules from a parent directory.

To begin, you should first understand what sys.path is.

It’s a Python list that consists of the directories the Python interpreter will search through when attempting to import a module. By manipulating this list, you can easily direct the interpreter to the desired location.

To use sys.path for importing a module from a parent folder, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Start by importing the sys library, which grants access to the system-specific parameters and functions: import sys
  2. Next, append the parent directory to the sys.path list. This allows the Python interpreter to locate the necessary module. Here’s an example: sys.path.append('/path/to/parent/folder').
  3. Replace /path/to/parent/folder with the actual path to the parent directory containing the module you want to import.
  4. Now, with the parent folder added to your system path, you can proceed to import the desired module. For instance: from some_module import desired_class_or_function

Remember to use sys.path to add the appropriate paths to your interpreter’s search scope, allowing for seamless module importation.

Manipulating PYTHONPATH Environment Variable

Adjusting the PYTHONPATH environment variable is one way to import a module from the parent folder in Python. This variable tells Python interpreter where to look for modules when importing them. By specifying the parent folder in the PYTHONPATH, you make it easier to import modules from it.

On Windows operating systems, you can set the PYTHONPATH environment variable using the following steps:

  1. Open the Start menu and search for “Environment Variables.”
  2. Select “Edit the system environment variables” from the search results.
  3. In the “System Properties” window, click on the “Environment Variables” button.
  4. Under “System variables,” click on “New” if there is no PYTHONPATH variable present, or find the existing PYTHONPATH variable and click “Edit.”
  5. In the “Variable name” field, type PYTHONPATH (if it’s not already there), and in the “Variable value” field, enter the path to the parent folder where your desired module is located. Separate multiple paths with a semicolon (;).

For example, if your module is located in C:\Projects\MyProject\, the “Variable value” should be C:\Projects\MyProject\.

Once you’ve set your PYTHONPATH, you’ll need to restart any active Python processes for the changes to take effect. After that, you should be able to import the desired module from the parent folder using the standard Python import statement.

Keep in mind that manipulating the PYTHONPATH can sometimes lead to inconsistencies or conflicts when working with different projects.

So I’d advise you not to mingle with it. 😉

Relative Imports and

In Python, relative imports are commonly used to access modules and functions within a package. They provide a simple and organized way to manage your code, especially when working with complex package structures. To fully understand relative imports, it’s essential to be familiar with the concept of files.

The file is a crucial component of a Python package. It serves as an initialization script that is executed whenever the package is imported. The presence of in a directory defines it as a Python package, allowing you to perform relative imports.

🔗 Recommended: Python Absolute vs Relative Imports

To import a module from the parent folder using relative imports, you need to ensure that your package hierarchy meets the following criteria:

  • Your top-level package is located within the Python path.
  • Each folder within the package contains a valid file.

With these requirements in place, you can perform a relative import using a series of dots (.). Each dot represents a level in your package hierarchy, starting from the current folder.

For example, to import a module from the parent folder, prepend .. to the module name as follows:

from ..module_name import function_name_or_class_name

Importing with Importlib

Importing a module from a parent folder in Python can be achieved using the importlib library. This library is specifically designed to handle the dynamic loading of modules, making the process easier and more efficient.

First, you need to ensure that the importlib library is installed in your Python environment. It is a built-in library since Python 3.1, so installing it separately should be unnecessary. You can use the function to import a module from the parent folder. This function requires the name of the module you want to import and the package’s location.

Assuming you have a directory structure like this:


Here is an example of how to import in using importlib:

import sys
import importlib.util


spec = importlib.util.find_spec("sub_directory.module_to_import")
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

Keep in mind that the sys.path.append("../") line is essential for adding the parent directory to the system’s path so that Python can locate the module you want to import.

If the module is found, the find_spec() function will return a specification that describes how to load it.

The module_from_spec() function will then create a new module object based on this information, and finally, the exec_module() function will execute the module.

🛑 Attention: When using importlib, it is important to handle exceptions properly, such as ValueError and ModuleNotFoundError. These exceptions may occur when the specified module could not be found, or another issue occurred during the import, such as an incorrect filename. Proper exception handling will allow you to provide useful feedback to the user or log the error for debugging purposes.

Using and Editable Install

To import a module from a parent folder in Python, one method is to create a script and use the editable install feature provided by pip. This approach allows you to make changes to your code without needing to reinstall the package every time.

As a German dev, I love efficiency! 💪

First, create a file in the root of your project folder. In this file, you will need to use setuptools.setup() to provide the necessary information for installing your package.

An example file may look like this:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages


Once you have created the file, you can install your package in an editable state using the pip install command.

Just navigate to your project folder in the terminal and run:

pip install -e .

The -e flag tells pip to install the package in editable mode, linking it directly to your project folder. This allows you to make changes to your code and have them reflected immediately in your package without reinstalling.

Now that your package is installed, you can import modules from the parent folder using the standard import syntax:

from your_package_name.parent_module_name import your_function_or_class

By following this approach, you can confidently import modules from parent folders and make your Python development process more efficient and streamlined. Remember to use the file, the pip install -e command, and be aware of the editable mode features to optimize your experience.

Handling Import Errors

You might encounter an ImportError if you’re trying to import a module from a parent folder.

Firstly, it’s essential to add the parent folder to the Python system path. This can be done using the os and sys modules. You will need to import these modules in your script.

Here’s a code snippet demonstrating how to achieve this:

import os
import sys
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir)

In this example, the os.path module helps in finding the path of the current and parent folders. Then, the parent folder is added to the system path using sys.path.append(parent_dir). This allows you to import a module from the parent folder without worrying about import errors related to the file location.

Now that you have added the parent folder to the system path, you can easily import a module from the parent folder using the following syntax:

from parent_module import your_desired_function

Keep in mind that if you have an file in your parent folder and subfolders, it will signal to Python that they are packages, making it much easier to import modules across directories.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to access a module in the parent directory in Python?

To access a module in the parent directory in Python, you can use the sys.path method. First, import the sys module and append the parent directory to sys.path. Afterward, you can import the module as you normally would. Here’s a code example:

import sys
import module_from_parent_directory

What is the method to import a module from the parent folder in Python 3?

In Python 3, the recommended method for importing a module from the parent folder is to use explicit relative imports with the from ... import statement. For example, if your module is named my_module in the parent directory:

from .. import my_module

How do I handle ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package?

To resolve the “attempted relative import with no known parent package” error in Python, make sure your script is part of a package by including an file in each directory within the package’s hierarchy. After ensuring your package is correctly structured, you can use explicit relative imports as mentioned earlier.

What is the proper way to import a module from a different directory in Python?

When importing a module from a different directory in Python, use either explicit relative imports or manipulate sys.path to include the directory you want to import from. For example, to add the directory /path/to/module and import module_from_different_directory from there:

import sys
import module_from_different_directory

How can I import a module from the parent folder in a Jupyter Notebook?

In Jupyter Notebook, to import a module from the parent folder, first, you need to modify the sys.path to include the parent directory. Here’s an example of how to import a module named my_module from the parent folder:

import sys
sys.path.insert(1, "..")
import my_module

How do I fix ‘No module named’ error when importing from parent directory in Python?

To fix the ‘No module named’ error when importing from the parent directory in Python, ensure that you have correctly added the parent directory to sys.path. If that’s the case but the error still persists, verify the module’s name and ensure you have the right module in the parent directory. Also, check if your package structure has an file in each relevant directory.

July 18, 2023 at 06:58PM
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